Vaga: Vaga de Desenvolvedor de sistemas em Sao Paulo/SP - home office

  • Cargo/Função: Desenvolvedor de sistemas

  • Localização: Sao Paulo / SP

  • Salário: a combinar

  • Empresa: Confidencial O que é isso?

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Home Office

Descrição Geral
Empresa localizada na cidade de São Paulo/SP do ramo Informática, contrata Desenvolvedor de sistemas.
Requirements:the ideal candidate will perform day to day support and maintenance, work with the functional team to develop solutions in servicenow ppm, and coordinate support and development efforts within the admin role will be responsible for the general support, administration, and maintenance of the servicenow platform and associated will be working closely with the servicenow functional team to build requested items and tasks, using workflows to manage processes from the customer to the fulfillment also include monitoring the health, usage, and compliance of servicenow as well as develop system integrations among end customer and process automation(in development).required: Rest/soap api - javascript/html/ajax/advanced englishbasic espanholdifferential : Certificate service now system administrationcontracting period, 3 months, with the possibility of extension for another 3  : Barueri ( initially home office) - cltwork schedule: 09:00hs as 18:00hs.
Tipo de Vínculo
Efetivo  - Home Office

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