Vaga: Vaga de desenvolvedor .net em Sao Paulo/SP - home office

  • Cargo/Função: desenvolvedor .net

  • Localização: Sao Paulo / SP

  • Salário: a combinar

  • Empresa: sevenapps

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Home Office

Descrição Geral
Empresa localizada na cidade de São Paulo/SP do ramo Informática, contrata desenvolvedor .net.
Job description are you looking for new challenges?! What if you could work on an incredible international project, receive in dollar and still receive all the support from high-Performing brazilian colleagues? At sevenapps, you will be close to the best technologies on the market, work on challenging projects and in a rich learning environment. We are looking for proactive, experienced devs who are in search of experiencing this immersion in the culture of the north american market. In this position, you will work allocated to an international project for a large florida company, and you will have the autonomy and freedom to work 100% remotely, with flexible hours. Your challenges will involve back-End web (.Net) development: utilizing microsofts .Net infrastructure to create software solutions that meet clients requirements. Collaborating with coworkers to facilitate the creation of large, complex developments, as required. Reformulating existing code to ensure adherence to stipulated guidelines. Checking your code to detect and remedy errors and omissions. Testing your outputs to ensure that they are in excellent working order. Ensuring that outputs are visually appealing, user-Friendly, and engaging. Deploying developments and monitoring uptake by the target audience. Using clients feedback to inform the creation of subsequent versions of each development. Remaining abreast of coding and technological changes that will impact your work. You will have a highly skilled team to implement these solutions with you. We believe that technology has the power to transform, improve the way we live and face challenges. If you believe that too, come be part of our team! Location 100% remote alocated for sevenapps company at an internacional project requirements required 3+ years of experience with as a .Net developer. In-Depth knowledge of .Net infrastructure. Advanced proficiency in c#, f#, or preferably all three. Capacity to use sql or oracle with ease. A flair for creat
Tipo de Vínculo
Efetivo  - Home Office

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