Vaga: Vaga de Analista Desenvolvedor em Sao Paulo/SP - home office

  • Cargo/Função: Analista Desenvolvedor

  • Localização: Sao Paulo / SP

  • Salário: a combinar

  • Empresa: Turing (3+ anos de xp)

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Home Office

Descrição Geral
Empresa localizada na cidade de São Paulo/SP do ramo Informática, contrata Analista Desenvolvedor.
Job description a u.S.-Based company providing direct marketing, brand development, and media mix modeling services is looking for a front-End engineer. The engineer will contribute to building the landing page and providing mentorship and guidance to other members of the team. The company balances the ever-Changing needs within the people, data, and media aspects to help clients meet their business goals. This full-Time position will require some overlap with the pst time zone. Job responsibilities: create new user-Facing features for the companys platform develop reusable, high-Quality code and libraries that can be used in multiple projects build a modern, highly responsive web-Based ui that is in line with the companys objectives accept responsibility for tasks and sub-Features job requirements: bachelors/masters degree in engineering, computer science (or equivalent experience) at least 3+ years of relevant experience as a front-End engineer extensive experience in html, css, and sass/less prolific experience in javascript and react/vue nice to have experience in experience in php/wordpress is a plus prior experience in adobe target is nice to have experience with google optimize is preferred fluent in verbal and written english (informação confidencial).
Tipo de Vínculo
Efetivo  - Home Office

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