Vaga: Vaga de Analista Desenvolvedor em Sao Paulo/SP - home office

  • Cargo/Função: Analista Desenvolvedor

  • Localização: Sao Paulo / SP

  • Salário: a combinar

  • Empresa: Confidencial O que é isso?

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Home Office

Descrição Geral
Empresa localizada na cidade de São Paulo/SP do ramo Informática, contrata Analista Desenvolvedor.
Project description: the main purpose of the project is to help visitors of the different cooking websites to buy all the needed ingredients for chosen recipes in the nearest shop. The decision gathers cooking ingredients from recipes and puts them into a list of shopping products with already-Added alternative grocery stores. Technical stack: react, python, django, graphql, postgres, celery, redis, kubernetes team composition:e,3 devops, qa, tech lead, po workflow: 2-Weeks sprints scrum daily meetings at 9:45 (edt) scope of tasks and ownership: software quality assurance test planning, improving or optimizing processes analysis and testing of requirements (discussion, amendments, improvements) writing and supporting various test artifacts (test cases, checklists) performing functional, ui/ux, regression, and smoke testing bugs detection and documentation in the bug-Tracking system (jira), control of the bug life cycle teamwork on planning, and defining approaches and methods of testing that minimize risks in terms of product quality constant interaction within the scrum team qualifications: 4+ years of experience in testing web and client/server applications experience in creating checklists and test cases in accordance with the requirements of development, their regular updating, as well as the creation of business cases in accordance with the requirements of development understanding the software development cycle understanding apis and how to use/interpret them understanding of http methods and status codes, skills in using web developer tools for problem analysis gray box and black box testing experience experience with bug tracking systems (jira) level of english upper-Intermediate and above our benefits: no micromanagement freedom to engage in decision-Making and implementation ability to work in a team of professionals (the ratio of middle and above specialists 80/20) participation in the development of high-Quality products direct communication with clients
Tipo de Vínculo
Efetivo  - Home Office

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