
Vaga: Vaga de Desenvolvedor de Sistemas em Rio de Janeiro/RJ - home office

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Home Office

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Empresa localizada na cidade de Rio de Janeiro/RJ do ramo Informática, contrata Desenvolvedor de Sistemas.


Our goal is to help industrial clients succeed with the energy transition. We facilitate access to affordable renewable power, sourced from our portfolio of hydro, solar and wind projects in brazil and the nordics. Hydro reins business model is based on agility and the ability to leverage hydros 100+ years of renewable energy & industrial development. Our diverse team has the expertise and the resolve to develop projects, services and solutions that make a difference for our clients and the societies they are part rein invests in large renewable projects. We have a significant portfolio in brazil and the nordics - In operation, under construction and under development - With strong near-Term growth potential. Our projects are developed in partnership with experienced developers and epc rein in brazil owns 3 projects in construction, with the execution managed by our partners and contractors. We are looking for a project control consultant to monitor the project control activities performed in these projects, implement appropriate systems and tools, and ensure value-Driving project we offer:- A key role to ensure that project control is performed with the highest standards and protect the value creation of our project in execution- An opportunity to take a leading role in developing and improving the project control tools and methodology in our organization and our partners organizations- An international, ambitious and dynamic start-Up working environment with the necessary support and financial back-Up to :- Establish and implement procedures, systems, tools and best practices- Estimate and control cost (e.G. Wbs/cbs structure, cost phasing, monitoring, forecasting and reporting)- Scheduling, progress monitoring and reporting (incl. Schedule risk analysis)- Support and advice the project team and the owners in project control activities, in particular in managing epc contractors and :- Relevant experience in all aspects of project control (cost control, planning an

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