Vaga: Vaga de Desenvolvedor de Sistemas em Rio de Janeiro/RJ - home office

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Home Office

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Empresa localizada na cidade de Rio de Janeiro/RJ do ramo Informática, contrata Desenvolvedor de Sistemas.


Result of service the local manager, under the programme coordination, reports to the national officer for brazil. He/she shall duly and timely perform his/her obligations, as part of the social territories project in large favelas complexes programme team on the field, under this terms of reference. The local manager will work in close collaboration with the operational and technical teams of un-Habitat in rio de locationrio de janeiroexpected durationtwelve (12) months upon the signature of the contract, with the possibility of backgroundthe main mandate of the united nations human settlements programme (un-Habitat) is to promote sustainable development of human settlements and policies conducive to adequate housing for all. Within this framework, un-Habitat supports central and state governments, as well as local authorities and other partners for the implementation of the 2030 agenda with the sustainable development goals (sdgs) and the new urban agenda (nua).Un-Habitat helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, more inclusive, compact, integrated, resilient and connected places with better opportunities where everyone can live with dignity. It works with organizations at every level, including all spheres of government, civil society and the private sector to help build, manage, plan and finance sustainable urban regional office for latin american and the caribbean - Rolac - Is based in rio de janeiro, brazil. The agency puts emphasis in developing and managing activities in the host country. Indeed, for the past years, un-Habitat has expanded its portfolio in brazil by working with the three tiers of government in order to support the formulation and implementation of more effective, sustainable, participative and socially fairer urban economic, social and environmental order to expand the programme and seek support to work with the challenges of reducing urban poverty and integrating all segments of the population into the fabric of the city, un-

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Efetivo - Home Office.

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